St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Spem in Alium

Our very own Rob and Rosanna Milner in the news! Click here to read the BBC Article which explains how they recorded Spem in Alium, a 40 part motet composed by Thomas Tallis.
It is made up of 8 choirs of 5 voices and probably to be performed in a horseshoe going from soprano of choir 1 at one end through to bass of choir 8 at the other.
Rosanna and Rob have recorded all 40 parts between them and Rob has mixed it so you get the antiphonal feel of the horseshoe described above if you listen in stereo (headphones are great for this).
To listen, click on this link:
If you would like to hear any of the music Rob, Rosanna, Simon and the choir have recorded it can all be found in the links below. One for anthems, one for organ and one for hymns: