St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Online Evensong

All Souls Evensong

A special Evensong service will be held at St Helen’s Church on All Souls Sunday, 7th November, 2021.

This is the time we traditionally remember those we love but are no longer with us.  During the service, we light a candle for every person we have been asked to remember – more than 220 names of friends and family had been submitted in 2020.

With Covid restrictions in place, we know that not everyone was able to come to church who would otherwise have done so. If you wish to watch the service, please click on the video below.

All Souls Evensong 2021
Scheduled Live-streamed service from St Helen’s Church 6.00pm on 7th November 2021

All Souls Evensong 2020
Recorded service from St Helen’s Church 6.00pm on 1st November 2020

The choir anthem, the lighting of the candles and the names of the loved ones are shown at approximately 58 mins.