St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Prayer – “Our Daily Bread”


Part of the recently launched Vision for our church includes a Priority of “Helping people encounter God’s Love”.  One way we are seeking to do this is to deepen our own spirituality. Our Daily Bread is a way of regularly sharing bite-sized pieces of information about different ways of praying and engaging with God through other spiritual practices. The ideas will be shared in our 10am Morning Service, and posted on here with links to the appropriate resources – we will also include details in our weekly emails.

We hope that every member of our congregations will find a way (or several ways) to engage with God regularly (ideally daily) which suits them, their lifestyle and personality.

Interviews and Resources.

Interview with Claire Banham about Bibles and Books to inspire Children to grow in faith.

The stories we read to our children and grandchildren make a lasting impact.  In this short interview Claire Banham talks about some of the different bibles and books we can use to start children off on their own journey of faith.  The Library in St Helen’s Church includes a range of books for children and young people and you can find a wealth of resources at   or even better, why not support a local Christian bookshop.  Luton Christian Bookshop at Kestin House, 45 Crescent Road, Luton. LU2 0AH provide an opportunity to browse resources whilst enjoying a coffee.

Our Daily Bread interview with Pippa Legg about the Bible in One Year App.

Bible in One Year is an App produced by HTB Church in London.  It’s a great way to get an overview of the whole story of God and His love for us.  You can access it online, or download it to your smartphone / tablet, (click on the links below). Every day there are three passages of scripture all linked to a theme with a reflection and a short prayer. You can read it or listen along and if you are short of time, there is even an “Express option”.
Visit the website
Download the App for iPhone
Download the App for Android.

Our Daily Bread interview with Linda Thomas about Pray As You Go.

Pray As You Go is produced by the Jesuits in the UK and is available as a website, or as an App for Smartphones and Tablets, (click on the links below). Each day there is a meditation on scripture with reflective questions to deepen your walk with God. And there is a treasure trove of other resources including special series of prayers and meditations for Lent and Advent as well as Examen prayers to look back on the day.

Visit the website
Download the App for iPhone
Download the App for Android.

Our Daily Bread interview with David Perch about using a Prayer Calendar.

Download our latest monthly cycle of prayer by clicking this link: Prayer Calendar 2022.  There are suggested prayer topics for each day of the month, space for you to add your own notes and a Prayer for the Nation.  Why not put a copy somewhere that will prompt you to pray, for example by the kettle, or next to the bathroom mirror?  If this is helpful, you could download the prayer calendar from one of our Mission Partners, or any Christian Charity you support – or sign up to get regular prayer prompts by email from them.

Other Prayer Resources

The Church of England webpage has lots more prayer resources including Prayer for the Nation which began on 1st February 2021.