St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

28-Apr Midweek Email


Included in this email:
  • Christian Aid Week
  • General Synod Election 2021
  • Ascension Day Service
  • Job Opportunities at St Albans Diocese
  • Stay connected to St Helen’s & St Peter’s Churches


If quizzing is your thing, you can help support Christian Aid Week this year by joining in a fun-filled online quiz, Quiztian Aid, at 7 pm on Saturday 8 th May. The quiz is suitable for all the family. You can register in advance at and Christian Aid will send you details of how to join in.

The Quiz is a less energetic way of supporting Christian Aid than the 300,000 Steps in May challenge set out in last week’s email. Christian Aid Week is 10 – 16 May and there will be more information about other ways of supporting Christian Aid’s vital work in the world’s poorest communities in next week’s email.



Christian Aid Week

8TH MAY 2021

General Synod Elections 2021

Elections to the General Synod were postponed last year and are scheduled to take place later this year. Eligibility to stand is very wide: all adult communicant members on electoral rolls, for lay people, and all members of clergy, for clergy.

The Chairs of our Diocesan Synod, from the House of Clergy, Canon Richard Hibbert and from the House of Laity, Peter Adams have asked me to pass on their invitation to consider standing. They say:

“We want a broad range of people, especially from groups currently under-represented in the governance of the church, to think seriously about standing for election to the General Synod later this year. We also ask that if you know people from under-represented groups who might be open to standing, you give them encouragement to think seriously about it. We want our General Synod Representatives to represent the full diversity of our wonderful diocese and to contribute to informed decision-making at national level.

If any of this applies to you there is a Zoom meeting where you can hear from current General Synod representatives of the diocese what standing for election and serving on General Synod entails.”

Why not respond to this invitation or send it to someone saying: “Had you thought of standing? I think you should.”

7:30 pm, Tuesday 15th June, Zoom:

Meeting ID: 825 2935 7338.


Richard will be leading an Ascension Day Service
Thursday, 13th May, 8pm
St Nicholas Church
All are welcome to attend with masks and observing social distancing. Further details will be forth coming.

There is limited capacity in St Nicholas Church.  PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS STAMPS if you & others plan to attend in person.
Email:  Telephone: 01582 712202

The service will be on Zoom as well.  Please click on this link to join:

Meeting ID: 850 7456 5806 (no password needed)

St Albans Diocese is advertising for the following positions
  • Estates Administrative Assistant – full time
  • Assistant Communications Officer – part time
  • Youth Minister – St Mark’s Church, Colney Heath
  • Lead Chaplain, Watford Town Centre Chaplaincy
Staying Connected …

Though Coffee in the Chancel is currently closed, we look forward to catching up on your latest news at our Zoom gathering every Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the link below to join us!

Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021

You are invited to join us for Morning Prayer. We meet at 9am from Monday to Thursday and on Saturday using Zoom. Click this link to join the meeting. Download the liturgy we follow by clicking here

We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.