Growing in Numbers
Bringing more people of all ages to faith and the Good News of Jesus
Many of us feel that our Christian faith helps to answer some of life’s big questions and we would like to share the comfort and joy which that brings to us with others in our community. We want to provide worship and activities which will appeal to people in the village and its surrounds and give them the opportunity to understand and enjoy the Good News that Jesus brings to all mankind.
For St Helen’s and St Peter’s in the period to 2021 we wanted to see this:
- leading to an increased commitment to the church, with a membership better reflecting the demographic of the village
- offering access to a variety of worship styles, including traditional, and developing weekly contemporary worship
- create a rhythm of activity in pre-evangelism, enquirers’ and discipleship opportunities so as to attract an average of 10 new people per year into enquirers’ and discipleship activities over the five years.
Up to March 2020:
- there is now weekly, family-friendly, contemporary worship on Sunday afternoons (Tea Time Church), with occasional Messy Church; our successful Junior choir brings new people Traditional sung Eucharist is thriving with the support of a new choirmaster; we also offer a Book of Common Prayer spoken Eucharist, contemporary afternoon services for families; and monthly there are all-age morning services, Evensong and contemplative evening services
- Enquirers’ courses are offered from time to time, but so far not in a seasonal pattern
Son-rise service on Easter Day |
During 2020 church members are working on improving our Welcome, growing the Junior choir, developing youth discipleship through a weekly after-school donuts group, involving young people more in the life and service of the churches, making fuller use of the new AV facilities installed in 2019 and attracting new people to annual short courses. |
Welcomers at the door for many services
For further information, please see details of our Services, look on our Home page for information on Upcoming Events and the latest Pew Sheet, which lists events in the week ahead, or contact one of the people at or Simon Best on 01438 833306 or at