July 2023: This page contains placeholder text for a proof of concept trial. We intend to refine this information at a later date.
Welcome to our lovely and ancient church of St. Helen, where people have worshipped God through many centuries and still do so today.
In this place men and women sense something of the mystery and majesty of God; they are given a glimpse of glory and of peace; they feel in touch with things beyond themselves. Here they can celebrate and give thanks, they can lay down their sadness and look for inward refreshment.
The worship, week by week, of the congregations of all ages speak of a God who answers our deepest longings. Christians believe that God through Jesus makes forgiveness and real freedom possible for us all.
You will almost certainly have seen this striking ancient building in the village centre. Everyone is welcome to come in for a look whether or not you are a regular church-goer. The building is normally open during the day-time.
If you are new to the village, coming to St Helen’s is a great way of meeting people. There is lots going on throughout the week. We hope to see you soon.
Around the church, some objects and monuments have been marked with a card. For further information and explanation of its Christian significance, please scan the QR code on the card.
Alternatively, this is an interactive plan of the church showing where these objects or monuments are located with direct links to the information about them.