July 2023: This page contains placeholder text for a proof of concept trial. We intend to refine this information at a later date.
The Windows of the church hold either stained glass or clear glass and so provide contrasting effects to the inside of the building. In the nave, on a bright sunny day, the sunlight will shine on the choir, but otherwise the interior will be bathed in subdued mottled colours and needs artificial lighting for services.
In the chancel, on the other hand, bright sunlight often shines in with all its splendour, rainbow coloured through the windows in the sanctuary, but elsewhere the whole warm, white area seems filled with the brightness of God’s glory as the congregation approaches the altar rail and comes, as it were, into His presence.
The chancel ceiling was cleaned in 2008, revealing its glorious colours and intricate patterns. The pale blue you see was originally much darker, then as now appearing open to the sky and reminding us how God is accessible to us through his Son. On the ceiling near the east window is a figure symbolising Jesus, the Lamb of God—Agnus Dei.
Through the plain windows wave the patterns of the ever changing trees. In the coloured windows are the stories and incidents from the Bible which extend their invitation to be deciphered, and repay attention with a glow of recognition in the viewer, so reinforcing their memory in mind and soul – or maybe causing puzzlement, and subsequent enquiry.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5.16