St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Virtual Guide: The Pulpit

July 2023: This page contains placeholder text for a proof of concept trial. We intend to refine this information at a later date.

The Pulpit is where the word of God is proclaimed. 

It is the formal place, where the preacher can see and be seen. Here those who teach and inform, comfort and warn, guide and inspire may ‘disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed’, in the name of God’s truth.

Frequently the preacher will begin by saying that he or she is speaking in the name God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit – so praying that what is said will convey the thoughts of God to people’s hearts and wills.

Some sermons will lead up to a vision of the glory of God and his goodness. Others will lead quietly into prayer. Always there is the hope and trust that there will have been a building up of the Kingdom of God’s truth and goodness.

The ability to livestream services enables those who are housebound or away from the parish to continue to keep in touch and take part in parish life.

This Pulpit may have come from the chapel at Lamer House, between Wheathampstead and Kimpton, when it was pulled down after a fire. Originally it was placed on a base and so was much higher, and had a sounding board overhead to direct the voice downward and lessen the echo.

Lamer House was the home of the Garrard Family, many of whom were Lord Mayors of London. It is said that Charles I, in disguise, hid there on his flight in 1646 from St. Albans to Newark. It was the Grandfather of the Garrard who sheltered the King who built the splendid memorial in the North Transept. 

St Helen’s is equipped with a modern Sound/AV system which includes the ability to live-stream services or meetings. The screens around the building help with the difficult sight-lines and using them to present liturgy and hymns on screen has greatly reduced the amount of paper used by this church.

It is not ourselves that we proclaim. We proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.

St. Paul, writing in Corinthians 4:5

Sir, we would see Jesus… John 12:2