Our Parish Communion service resumes from September at a new start time of 10am. Everyone is welcome.
The service will be shorter than what you are used to – about 45 minutes. We’ve kept elements you love such as hymns (sung by a ‘live’ choir) and Communion (1 kind) but to minimise the risk of infection, we’ve had to make a few adjustments e.g. using projector screens to show the service order instead of using booklets.
We are not able to offer a creche area with shared toys or stories during the service, but would love to see our young families on Sunday. Feel free to bring quiet toys for little ones, or grab an activity pack and borrow our pencils, scissors and glue to have some arty fun around a different story each week. It will all feel a little strange and different to before and we understand that not everyone will be ready to return. If you are not able to join us in person, we hope you will view our Online Sunday Service which we will continue to produce.