St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Evensong Service of Remembrance

This time of year is traditionally a season when we remember those we love but are no longer with us.  Whilst time may bring some healing, the pain of losing someone close to us never goes away entirely. So, at St Helen’s we will hold you, and those who have died, in our prayers at a special “Remembering our Loved Ones” Evensong service on 6th November which we will also livestream.  At this service, we will light a candle for your loved one and their name will appear on screen as the candles are lit.  If you are unable to attend in person, you can still have your loved ones remembered as part of it. We will email you a link to view the service either on our website or on our YouTube channel.

Add a name to remember

Please add the names of the friends and relatives that you’d like remembered at the service by clicking this link.  There is no limit to how many people you can ask to be remembered, and they do not need to have had any previous connection to Wheathampstead or St Helen’s Church!

Alternatively, you can phone the church office on 01582 834031 to add a name.