St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

National Day of Reflection

23rd March marks the one year anniversary of the first UK lockdown.

Since then, millions of people have been bereaved, both as a result of Covid-19 and due to other causes. The restrictions we’ve all been living under have meant that many people have had to grieve without the comfort of having friends and family around them.

Marie Curie, supported by the Church of England, has organised a National Day of Reflection to acknowledge grief and loss over the last year.

  • There will be a minute’s silence at 12 noon to show support for those who have been bereaved.
  • We hope you have an opportunity to connect with someone who is grieving, perhaps by having a chat with them, sending a card, a message, or giving them some spring flowers.
  • Join others in the village this evening, as we shine a Light of Hope in our window at 8.00pm.

St Helen’s Church will be open between 10am – 3pm for private prayer