St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Growing in Loving Service

Inspired by our faith, to live out God’s love by serving our community

We are building on the work of the Mission and Outreach team during the 2011-2016 Vision in seeking to meet the needs of our community through Christian service, for example through providing Coffee in the Chancel four mornings a week, summer hampers for families reliant on school meals during term time, occasional lunches for those living alone, supporting the village Foodbank, extending pastoral care to those we know who need it, giving to carefully selected local, national and international charities with whom we can develop a strategic link, and offering a course on household financial management.

Specially painted mural to cover repair work at The Swan



For St Helen’s and St Peter’s in the period to 2021 we wish to see our work:

  • increasing the number of people involved in providing service, through the church or otherwise
  • seeing church-led activities provide help to at least five new families or individuals in genuine need each year
  • monitoring the needs of the community and seeking to respond to them by developing well-focused initiatives, and co-ordinating them with other providers
Up to March 2020:

  • we see church members offering service to the community in a wide range of activities, including the Wheathampstead Community Group, Wheathampstead Friends and the U3A, as well as through church activities
  • Summer hampers grew to 39 families in 2019; a weekly summer holiday club started in 2019 with up to 21 children; the church-run Community Fund has disbursed over £9,000 in 35 small grants; occasional lunches are offered to those living alone
  • Key community organisations will be consulted again during 2020 in refreshing our Vision
  • The PCC decided in 2019 no longer to pursue a proposed joint venture development of the now-disused URC church and hall in the village to provide community and church facilities, reflecting the congregations’ view that resources were better focused on developing aspects of the St Helen’s building to support our Mission.

Packing summer hampers

Armistice centenary reflections

During 2020 teams are working on a one-day Easter holiday club event; offering four sessions of a Life and Death cafe in association with Wheathampstead Friends; involving some groups around the church in helping with service in other areas; and deciding the priorities for development of the St Helen’s building.

Community Carol-singing


For further information, contact one of the people at
or Simon Best on 01438 833306 or at


Grants given include…

  • Replace broken cookers
  • Stop repossession proceedings
  • Assist with school costs
  • Purchase specialist medical kit
  • Pay off loan / rent arrears
  • Provide emergency food