St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Midweek Email from the Rector


The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want…

Thank you again to everyone involved in putting together the service – and especially to Rosanna for explaining the process involved in putting together the choir pieces with multiple singers.
The theme of Good Shepherd Sunday comes through very clearly in our worship this week in the hymns, anthem and bible readings (John 10:1-10 and Psalm 23).  Whether you’re crazy busy adjusting to working from home and trying to home school, or self-isolating and struggling to fill your days it is comforting to remember that God cares for us all, through every season of life.
If you find the service helpful, please consider who else might benefit from it and forward this email or share it via our Facebook group.


Click here to visit our website and watch the video of this week’s “online service” – or here to view it on YouTube.

Nice to see you, to see you (very) nice.

Meeting online using Zoom for  “coffee after the service” on Easter Day was a roaring success.  We had between 30 and 40 people from babies and children to more senior members join us and it was so encouraging to see everyone’s smiling faces – even if it was only on screen. Building on this success we will be online again after this week’s service.  So, please join us if you can from 11am Sunday.
Click here for the link.
Alternatively visit, then click Join Meeting (top right corner on a PC) and enter the meeting ID 81895540931 and password: 284782.  If you don’t have a PC/laptop/tablet/smartphone you can call 0203 0512874 and enter the meeting ID and password as above when prompted.  (You will not see us – but you can still join the conversation.)  Please do try and join us – it’s a great way to stay connected to one another and practice the ‘distant socialising’ which keeps our spirits lifted.

Coffee not in the Chancel
Lots of us are missing our community coffee shop which is usually open four mornings a week.  It acts as a social hub for lots of different groups in the village. So, every Wednesday morning from 11am until midday, you can join us for sociable, friendly conversation at our Zoom Gathering.  Unfortunately you will have to provide your own tea and coffee!
As above – click this Zoom link or use this Meeting ID (850 9955 2070) and Password (086780) via the website.


How can we pray for you?

Prayer is vital to the Christian Faith – but sometimes we find it hard to pray alone and easier to allow the prayers of others to uphold us.  At 9am on Saturday there were 17 of us at Morning Prayer- meeting on Zoom and using the Celtic Liturgy from the Northumbria Community.  From Monday to Thursday following the C of E Daily Prayer we’re a more select group of around six to eight.  We pray for a whole wide range of situations including the local community and individuals in need.  You are welcome to join us, click here for instructions on how to (there is no need to pray out loud) or you could email your prayer requests for yourself or someone else to

God bless you, with love and prayers – Richard 



News from the Ministry Team
Happy 100th Birthday to John
Many thanks for all the cards, colouring pictures, video messages and phone calls to our retired minister Rev Dr John Brennan to help him celebrate his 100th Birthday on Thursday.  His big day was slightly eclipsed by his “twin” Capt (now Colonel) Tom.  But John had a busy day receiving a steady stream of cards through the door & numerous phone calls – including a brief call from Three Counties Radio.  After the 8pm Clap for Carers a group of about 15 of us gathered (safely) on his driveway to sing Happy Birthday to him. Unsurprisingly he took all the fuss in his stride with typical humility saying he was looking forward, “to a quieter day tomorrow!”  Happy Birthday John.  God bless you.

Jill Hazelwood on the mend.
After a fall last weekend, which landed her in the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, Rev’d Jill Hazelwood is making good progress.  She had an operation to pin & plate the break in her hip; this went smoothly and seems to be healing well.  Although he can’t visit, Colin is now able to contact her by a direct phone line.  Jill is in good spirits and reluctant to be the centre of too much attention!  However, she is grateful for our prayers.

We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We all recognise the challenges of “social distancing” so please continue to reach out and make contact with others in your social circle, including friends from Church.  If you would like to contact another member of our Church family, fill in this simple email form or leave a message on (01582) 834031 and we will try to put you in touch with them. 

The Government advice is clear – if you are over 70 years old you should be restricting your movements outside the house as much as possible. We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.  The message is clear:  WHATEVER YOU NEED, CALL and GET HELP!