St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Email from the Rector: Pentecost


It’s a bumper week with two services (one local, one national) and two other film clips!
Included in this email…

  • The final celebrations of “Thy Kingdom Come” led by the Archbishop of Cantebury
  • The link to our Online Sunday Service
  • Plans to celebrate Pentecost by wearing RED for Coffee after the Online Service
  • A worship video of The Blessing for the UK which has ‘gone viral’ with 2.9m views!




To mark the end of the season of prayer know as, Thy Kingdom Come there is a special service broadcast tomorrow which includes the Archbishop of Cantebury and Pope Francis. click here to watch it.. St Albans Abbey are also broadcasting a special evening service which you can find on their YouTube channel. 

Thy Kingdom Come – Special Service(s) to end the season of prayer.




The Gift of the Holy Spirit to lead us into the future…




Click here to visit our website and watch the video of this week’s “online service” – or here to view it on YouTube.



Please join us as we worship together in our Online Sunday Service.  This Sunday is Pentecost as we celebrate the birth of the church and the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon us, so you might like to have a candle to hand as part of our worship this week.  But even more importantly, can you enter our worship with an openness to the Holy Spirit’s work in your life?  Click here to join our worship.





Happy Birthday to us!  Let’s celebrate…  

This Sunday the Church celebrates it’s Birthday – Pentecost is 50 days after the resurrection on Easter Day.  It’s when God poured The Holy Spirit out upon all believers and when Peter preached “3,000 were added to their number that day.”  Even in “lockdown” The Holy Spirit has been at work in our community drawing people back to faith.   To celebrate The Church’s Birthday we’re inviting you to wear something red when you join us for refreshments after the service at 11am. (And if you like you could have something appropriately celebratory to raise a glass to the Church.)

We look forward to catching up with you.
God bless you, with love and prayers – Richard 

Click on the Meeting ID and password to join either session.

Coffee After the Online Service Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Every Sunday at 11am Every Wednesday from 10:30am
Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219
Password: 527776
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021





If you have not already seen it – and it’s been viewed 2.9 million times, please do watch this very moving video.  It’s a wonderful display of unity between different churches around the UK as they sing a blessing over our nation at a time of great need. Click here to enjoy it.


You can click here to donate by debit or credit card
You can click here to find more ways to support us on our website
Lastly, our bank details are: Wheathampstead PCC 
Sort Code: 40-52-40          Account No: 00099644



Click the image below  to view a short video about the financial challenge we face.



We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.