St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Email for Families: The Prodigal Son



Here’s our next email for families…

A Son is Lost and Found




Another story Jesus told about the great love of a father.

This is a very well-known story or parable that Jesus told. It is also known as the Prodigal Son – prodigal means wasteful or extravagant.
Click here to view the story on YouTube

God loves us all the time, even if we mess up, he is just like the father in this story – always looking for us, waiting for us to come to him. How amazing is that?

God bless you all,
Richard, Claire and Linda.
P.S. You can also visit our website for other stories, our full library of songs, crafts and prayer activities.




Craft & Colouring 
Song – I Love You
A beautiful song with actions.
(click here for the YouTube video)
Prayer Activity 

You will need:  cups with about an inch of water at the bottom, strips of kitchen roll, felt tip pens (cheap and cheerful are good and definitely not permanent markers- you need the ink to run!)

Draw a heart about about 2 inches up the strip and colour in with pen.  Write the initials of someone (or draw a face of someone!) that you sometimes find it tricky to love- maybe because you don’t get on very well.  Loving others is one of the ways that we show that we follow Jesus, but sometimes this is hard and we have to ask God for help.

Put the end of the strip in the water and pray that God will help you to show that person that you love them and that God loves them.