Another story that Jesus told……
Perhaps, now that we’re staying at home more, we aren’t so prone to losing things? Or maybe, with more people using the house for work, rest and play, you are often heard muttering “Where did I put that?”
Today’s story is about a lost coin… or is it? Click here to see the story. Perhaps you can find time to watch this story with your family and then chat about why Jesus chose to tell it to that particular crowd of people. I wonder what the Pharisees and the “teachers of the law” made of it? I wonder if it still seems like good news to us today and if it does, why? There are also ideas for activities to go along with this week’s story in the email below.
More good news… Thy Kingdom Come is running again, (until 31st May).
Have you downloaded your Family Prayer Adventure map yet?
Click here to find out all about it and the really whizzy, augmented reality games you can play via an app!
We hope and pray that you will all find real joy and hope in the week to come,
God bless you all,
Richard, Claire and Linda.
P.S. You can also visit our website for the full library of songs to keep active indoors!