St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Email for Children and Families: The Parable of the Pearl


Here’s our next email for families…

The Pearl of Great Price

Jesus told stories all the time and sometimes he explained the meaning of those stories and other times he left the people listening to figure it out for themselves…

I wonder what we would have thought if we had heard Jesus tell this week’s story in person? Why not watch the video of this week’s story (click here to see the video) and then take a vote with your family on why you think Jesus chose to tell this particular story.

If you want to get active in exploring the story, you can scroll down to find a whole heap of resources and ideas to help get creative.

Or you can do both, of course!

We pray that you are blessed with a great week and, just like the man in the story, you get to feel “uncontainable joy”!
Every blessing

God bless you all,
Richard, Claire and Linda.
P.S. You can also visit our website for songs, stories, crafts and prayers

Craft & Colouring 
Song – My Lighthouse
Prayer Activity 

You will need: Thin paper, pens, scissors, a container filled with water.

Think of people or things that are precious to you.
Fold a piece of paper in half and cut out an oyster shell with the fold along the hinge so you have 2 joined halves
Inside write those people or things that are precious and you want to ask God to look after.

Fold your shell closed so the words are hidden.

Place the bottom of the prayer shape on top of the water and watch as the shell opens opening out the prayer to God.  Why not try different shapes such as flowers with the petals folded in.