St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Email about Children’s Work – On the Road to Emmaus



Here’s our next email for families…

On the Road to Emmaus

Jesus is Back!
But not everyone got the memo…  In today’s story some of Jesus’ friends are brokenhearted by the news of Jesus’ death “all their hopes had died“.  
And then a mysterious stranger joins them on a walk and

This week’s story is a cracker and we hope you enjoy the video – click here to see it in YouTube or click here to go to our website for the full library of resources for families.

Below are some crafts and other activities that will help you explore the story through the week.  Perhaps you could go for a walk, like Jesus’ friends, and ask each other these questions:

  • why do you think Jesus’ friends didn’t recognise Jesus when he first appeared to them?
  • what might it have been about Jesus breaking the bread that helped them to realise who their special guest was?
  • how would you feel/what would you do if you suddenly realised that a guest in YOUR house was actually Jesus?
Please do keep sharing your versions of the story of the week with us – we’ve seen some really inventive ones!

God bless you all,
Richard, Claire and Linda.
P.S.  As an added activity this week, can you spot any animals in the background of the video?!?

Craft & Colouring 
Song – Mighty to Save
A song with actions.
Prayer Activity 
DIY Foil Finger Labyrinth
You will need: Paper plates, pencils, foil, glue (PVA works best)

Draw a spiral on a paper plate- start in the middle and work outwards but take the line on a wander if you want to!  Next, cut pieces of tin foil and roll them into thin sausage shapes.

Glue the foil sausages to the spiral on the plate.  If using PVA you will need to wait a while for the glue to dry!

Now your finger can go on a walk as you take time to talk to God.

How does it feel to go on a journey? What do you need?
How can life be like a journey?
Who journeys with you? Who do you journey with?
Does God journey with you?  How?

Spend some time thinking about your life journey or the life journeys of people you know.  As you follow the foil line with your finger, talk to God about your life and how He might be with you on that journey.