St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

5-Dec Weekly Update Email


Welcome to the weekly update from St Helen’s and St Peter’s Churches.  Including…

  • Sunday Services resume after Lockdown 2 
  • Advent & Christmas Services
  • Family Carol Service – booking opens on Sunday 13th Dec at 12pm
  • Tier 2 restrictions



With the end of Lockdown 2, St Helen’s Church are excited to welcome you back to church on Sunday now that public worship can resume.  We are also very excited that congregational singing is permitted again – providing we are outdoors.  So, to make the most of this we will hold two outdoor carol services on Christmas Eve, see below for details.

All are welcome to join us in St Helen’s Church at 10am for our Parish Communion service. Thanks to all your generous support, we have purchased the technology to ‘Live-stream’ services from church to our YouTube Channel.   You can watch at 10am tomorrow morning – or any time afterwards. Click the link here to view the service.

Advent & Christmas Services

To comply with social distancing rules, we have to limit the numbers attending our most popular services.  For these services tickets will be available via EventBrite – and can be accessed via our website.  We will make tickets available at least a week in advance.

Family Carol Service – 13th Dec at 4pm – tickets available at 12pm on Sun 6th Dec (tomorrow).
Lessons & Carols – 20th Dec at 6pm – tickets available at 12pm on Sun 13th Dec.
Christmas Day Communion – 25th Dec at 10am – tickets available at 12pm on Sun 13th Dec.

Don’t worry if you can’t get to these services, The Christmas Communion Service will be Live-streamed and the Family Carol Service and Lessons & Carols will be recorded, edited and released to YouTube later.





New National Covid Restrictions
Wheathampstead in Tier 2 “High Alert” from 2nd December
For St Helen’s Church, this means that
  • we are open for private prayer between 10am – 4pm; visitors are advised to refrain from interacting with anyone outside their household or support bubble
  • Coffee in the Chancel will remain closed
We are committed to helping keep you spiritually sustained. We offer a 10am Parish Communion Service every Sunday which will be ‘livestreamed’ online.  We are also committed to providing practical and pastoral support.  Please contact us using the details at the foot of this email if you, or someone you know would benefit from further support.


We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.