St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

30-08 Weekend Email


Included in this email:
  • This week’s Online Sunday Service
  • Dates for your diary – services in church from Sunday 6th Sept & the APCM
  • A call to all families
  • A request for help editing our videos
  • Revision of Church Electoral Roll




What Motivates You?




Archdeacon Jane examines what Jesus means when he says ‘Let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’ and offers three suggestions of how we can find out if we are in tune with God’s will. Click on the picture of Barbara to watch this week’s online service.

Help us share the load of video editing…




Until now, all of our Online Sunday Services have been edited by one incredibly dedicated and reliable volunteer.  It’s long overdue that we should share the responsibility so we don’t rely on one person.  Could you, or someone you know serve the church by editing our weekly Online Sunday Service?  It could be shared by more than one person and they don’t even need to live locally as it can all be done remotely.  Perhaps someone studying a related subject at Uni???  We currently use Apple Mac software – we may even be able to lend you a laptop with the necessary software.  Please contact us if you know someone who could help – especially in September!




An Important Date!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Our APCM will be held on Tuesday 6th October 2020 at 7:30 pm.
Closer to that date a final decision will be taken as to whether we
meet in St. Helen’s Church or virtually on-line.

The APCM offers you a report on Church activities in 2019 and the Financial Statements for that year.

Anyone on the Electoral Roll can vote for new PCC Members and
Deanery Representatives. We have lived through challenging days.
Please join us to reflect on our role in a changing situation.



Parish Communion service is back from 6th September at 10am

St Helen’s church will be open for Sunday morning worship again from next Sunday – Alleluia!  Capacity will be limited, everyone will need to wear face masks, use hand sanitiser and please do not come if you have any symptoms of being unwell.  You are encouraged to take your seats quickly and to chat with friends outside in the churchyard after the service, so that we can remove the chances of too many people being bunched up in the aisles.  It will all feel a little strange and different to before and we understand that not everyone will be able to come.  There will be lessons to be learned as we venture into this new way of worship but lets rejoice that there is some semblance of normality returning.
Calling all families!

Whilst we are not able to offer a creche area with shared toys or stories during the service, we would love to see you at our 10am Sunday services. Feel free to bring quiet toys for little ones, or grab an activity pack and borrow our pencils, scissors and glue to have some arty fun around a different story each week.

We are already planning out outdoor family service on Sunday 20th Sept at 3.30 and are excited to welcome families back to St Helen’s church for Kids Worship on Sunday Oct 4th at 3.30pm.



Diocese of St Albans – Parish of Wheathampstead

Notice is hereby given that the Church Electoral Roll of the above parish will be revised by the Parochial Church Council, beginning on Wednesday 16th September 2020 and ending on Monday 21st September.


After such Revision, a copy of the Roll will forthwith be exhibited on, or near to, the principal door of the Parish Church for inspection.

Under the Church Representation Rules any persons are entitled to have their names entered on the Roll, if they are baptised, of sixteen years or upwards, have signed an application form for enrolment and declare themselves either –

  1. to be a member of the Church of England, or of a Church in communion therewith, resident in the parish; or

  2. to be such a member and, not being resident in the parish, to have habitually attended public worship in the parish during a period of six months prior to enrolment; or

  3. to be a member in good standing of a Church which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy trinity (not being a Church in communion with the Church of England) and also prepared to declare themselves to be a member of the Church of England having habitually attended public worship in the parish during a period of six months prior to enrolment.

Forms of application for enrolment can be obtained from Judith (, and should be returned, if possible, in time for the Revision. Any error discovered in the Roll should also be reported to Judith.




We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.  




Let’s get social…  

We look forward to catching up on your latest news either on Sunday at 11am or Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the links below as we gather together using the video conferencing platform Zoom.

Click on the Meeting ID and password to join either session.

Coffee After the Online Service Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Every Sunday at 11am Every Wednesday from 10:30am
Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219
Password: 527776
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021

In addition to these social events, you are invited to join us for Morning Prayer.  We meet at 9am from Monday to Thursday and on Saturday using Zoom. Download the details here including links to the liturgy we follow.