St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

29-Sep Midweek Email



Included in this email:
  • Mossy Church returns this Sunday!
  • CONGRATULATIONS to Lilian, our Choral Scholar
  • Friends of St Helen’s Event – “The Pilgrim Fathers, the Local Connection”
  • Bishop’s Harvest Appeal 2021
  • Coffee in the Chancel – birthday party





There will be a choice of 2 services next Sunday, 3rd October – 10am Parish Communion Service and 3.30pm Mossy Church at St Peter’s. (Click here for a map of St Peter’s church Gustard Wood)

Mossy Church has its roots in Forest Church and is for everyone, not just families and children. Barbara will lead us in considering the world around us as our brothers and sisters as St Francis did. Come and watch the flames of the fire flicker as we make bird feeders, search for natural things to use in our prayers and sing to our Creator God!
All welcome, dress for the weather as this service will be outside.





Congratulations to Lilian Sztankov
our choral scholar who recently left for Leeds University!



We’ve just heard the fabulous news that Lilian has been awarded a choral scholarship at Leeds Minster.  We are so pleased for her and wish her all the best as she supports worship at one of our great churches, and for the development of her musical and singing skills.

Our scholarships are just as much about developing the scholars as it is about them lending us their voice. We are so proud that our scholars are moving on to wonderful choirs.


Saturday 9th October 7.30pm

St Helen’s Church

“The Pilgrim Fathers – the local connection”,

a talk by Elizabeth Eastwood.

Our local historian talks about the

sailing of the Mayflower 400 years ago

and its impact on local families

Tickets: £10 with refreshments

Tickets from Margaret Pearce 01582 833581


The Bishop of St Albans’ Appeal, “Water is Life”, aims to bring clean water to communities in the DRC, transforming daily lives and hope for the future. For more information, please go to

If you wish to support this cause, please go to our website: where you can make a donation using your credit or debit card.