St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

27-Jun Email for Children and Families: Father of a Great Nation


Here’s our next email for families…

Father of a Great Nation

I wonder if you’ve had a surprise this week?

In this week’s story we meet a couple who had a MASSIVE surprise –
Abraham & Sarah were told by God that they would be the Father & Mother of a whole nation.
But they had a good reason to be doubtful, and you can watch this week’s story to find out why and what happened to convince them that God always keeps his promises.

If you and your family want to talk about the story, you might like to wonder together…

  • What might it be like to get a message from God?
  • How do you think Abraham felt when Sarah laughed?
  • What might God want us to believe, even though it feels impossible?
Then, if you want to get stuck into some activities, check out below for creative craft, colouring, a song and a really ingenious prayer activity.

We hope you’re enjoying our weekly bible story with activities, BUT check out below for exciting news about next week’s special on-line, family service!

Every blessing

Richard, Claire and Linda.
P.S. You can also visit our website for more songs, stories, crafts and prayers

Next weekend (4th & 5th July)
we are having our very own,
St Helen’s Messy Church
At Home!

So watch out for our special email next week, with more details, and save the date for our Messy Zoom Gathering, 3.30pm Sun 5th, so that we can share our Messy creations with everyone else.
(The email link for this will be sent out in
next week’s Family Email.)

Craft & Colouring 
Plans – God has a plan!
Nothing is Impossible…..prayers

Can you cut a hole in a piece of A4 paper so you can step through it? That’s a really hard problem – maybe it’s impossible! Sometimes we are faced with problems that really worry us and that we don’t know how to solve!

Praying to God can help – sometimes God will show us a solution to a seemingly impossible problem!

Now take a piece of the A4 paper and follow these instructions…

1. Fold the paper in half lengthways

2 Cut alternating ‘up’ and ‘down’ slits in the paper as shown below

3.Cut through the fold of the paper, leaving the fold of the end slit pieces intact.

4. Open the paper out into a big circle that you can pass your whole body through!

Pray to God about some of the big things that worry you, maybe Climate change, the Corona virus, somebody who is ill.

Step through your piece of paper and ask God to help. Remember, God always listens but we need to be patient!