St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

22-Feb Midweek Email



  • Ash Wednesday Service – TONIGHT!
  • Last Chance to sign up for a Lent Course
  • Lent for Children and Families
  • New Group – Book Talk
  • World Day of Prayer
  • Deanery Lent Retreat
  • Pastoral Care – volunteers needed!


Wheathampstead Churches Together is pleased to offer a choice of 2 Lent courses this year – the Prayer Course and the Christian Aid Course.

The Prayer Course II deals with unanswered prayer. Pete Greig looks at the questions we ask when confronted with suffering. Each session includes a video, small group discussion and practical ideas for prayer. The resource can be downloaded free from

The Christian Aid Course explores Lenten themes (repentance, sacrifice, redemption, reparation and restoration) with bible readings, stories and prayers to stir up ideas of how we can act together for climate justice. Click here for more information.

Both courses will begin after Ash Wednesday (22nd February) and will end before Easter (9th April). Complete this form and return to St Helen’s Church Office.

The Prayer Course
Thursday 2pm
staring 23rd Feb
Parish Room, St Thomas More
The Christian Aid Course
Monday 8pm
starting 27th Feb
Orchard Cottage, Mackerye End
Harpenden, AL5 5DS
Tuesday 2pm
starting 28th Feb
Chancel, St Helen’s Church
Wednesday 3.30pm
starting 1st March
Worship Room, United Reformed Church

Lent for Children and Families
Why not use these sheets at home to think about God’s wonderful world this Lent? A sheet for each week available every Sunday, or download and print them here.



Do you enjoy talking about books you might read or have read, then the following group might suit you.

On the fourth Monday of each month at 9.45am until 11.15am at Coffee in the Chancel, you are invited to join others over a cup of coffee to chat and share your reading experiences. This will be fairly informal and you can drop in and out as you wish.

The first occasion will be on Monday 27th February and fourth Mondays thereafter.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Judith  (01582 833262 or 07818 433738).
As I will be away on the 27th February, the contact no. will be Christine 07870 748773.

However there is absolutely no need to sign in just turn up!

World Day of Prayer
Friday 3rd March
10am, St Thomas More
All are welcome at the 2023 World Day of Prayer Service – written by the Christian Women of Taiwan, a country that has for many years been caught in a superpower struggle. The people of Taiwan are very much in need of our prayers at this time. This worship service includes letters of encouragement for women who face suffering and injustice

Saturday, 18th March
10am to 1pm
Join others from different local churches around the deanery for a morning Lent retreat at St Mary’s, Kinsbourne Green, AL5 3QE, with a light lunch at the end.  The Revd Becky Leech from St Stephen’s, St Albans, will be the guest speaker.  Time to pray and reflect.  Please register you are coming by contacting the church office, 01582 834031 to sign-up.

Events and Activities this week (at St. Helen’s Church unless otherwise indicated).
Please ask if you need further details

Monday 20th February9.30am – 11.30pm Coffee in the Chancel
11.15am – 12.15pm Following the Message Study Group
7.30pm – 9.15pm Bellringing Practice

Tuesday 21st February9.30am – 11.30pm Coffee in the Chancel
5.00pm – 7.00pm Pancake Party in Chapel Hall

Wednesday  22nd February9.30am – 11.00pm The Ark Parent-and-Toddler Group
7.30pm – 9.30pm Alpha Course in The Rectory

Thursday  23rd  February9.30am – 11.00pm SENsational Parents’ Group
2.45pm – 4.15pm St Helen’s Fellowship in Mead Hall

Friday 24th February

Saturday 25th February9.15am – 10.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
10.00am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel

Sunday 26th February
10.00am – 11.00am All Age Communion
6.00pm – 7.00pm Evensong