St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

21-Aug Weekend Email with Livestream Link




Included in this email:
  • Parish BBQ
  • Organ Recital
  • Friends of St Helen’s Anniversary Celebration
  • Grants to support young people – James Marshall Foundation
  • Livestream link for St Helen’s – 10am Parish Communion
  • Coffee in the Chancel – Holiday Opening Times

Organ Recital at St Helen’s Church in aid of church music
4pm Sunday 5th September

We have the very great pleasure to welcome Thomas Dilley to St Helen’s to give us a recital on the organ. Tom is finalising the repertoire but is going to focus mainly on the Baroque style that suits our organ so well.

Thomas was the senior organ scholar at The Queen’s College, Oxford and is off to further his studies in Toulouse next term. A local lad Thomas first took up the organ at St Albans School and held a organ scholarship at St Michael’s church.

We’re delighted to welcome Thomas to our church and look forward to hearing our pipe organ played in full flow again after its recent holiday whilst we’ve been investigating the possibilities of having a digital organ in the chancel.

The recital will be free entry with a retiring collection (please use gift aid envelopes or the card machines)
We are not running our Summer Hamper scheme this year. Here is a message from the St Albans & District Foodbank. Please support them if you can. There is also a collection point in the South porch of St Helen’s church.

Can you help us feed children facing holiday hunger this summer. We are running low on many staple items and urgently need donations to ensure we can continue to provide complete food parcels during the school holidays.  The items we need the most are:

Long life milk   /  Long life juice  /  Rice – 500g or 1k bags  // tinned fish / tomatoes / potatoes  / instant mash  /  dessert items  /  tea bags – boxes of 40 or 80 /  treat items such as crisps, savoury snacks, biscuits, sweets
Thank you for reading and for your continued support
#holidayhunger #EndChildFoodPoverty #communitysupport

Join us tomorrow at 10am in St Helen’s for our Parish Communion. Click here or on the image for the Youtube link or click here to view from our website

Staying Connected …

Coffee in the Chancel continues to meet via Zoom every Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the link below to join us!

Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021