St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

20-Oct Midweek Email


Included in this email:
  • Chapel Gym Event – tomorrow!
  • Concert – Alban Duo & The Fayrfax Consort
  • Choir and Organ Q&A – 31st Oct
  • Can you help serve refreshments after Sunday Service?
  • Half term diary changes
  • Remembering Our Loved Ones – Evensong Service
  • Coffee in the Chancel Birthday Party – see new date

Chapel Gym, Brewhouse Hill Project

Many of you may know about the Chapel Gym Project and may have seen or heard about the progress and developments. Well, we are almost in a position to open, but require a committee of volunteers to help us deliver all the operational aspects, before doing so.

We are holding an event on Thursday October 21st – TOMORROW! – at 7:30 at the Chapel Gym on Brewhouse Hill, for the purpose of bringing together minds and creating a network of people who have skills and experience in business, sports, IT, recruitment, sales and procurement.

Please let us know if you are able to join us – so we can plan refreshments, and please dress warmly. Contact email below.

If you are not able to make the 21st, but are keen to be involved, please do still reply to us and we’ll look to arrange a future date where we can meet with you.

We very much look forward to seeing you later this month.

We are also asking residents of our village to complete a short survey, to provide us with further information regarding the Chapel Gym project. Please use the link below.

Warmest Regards
Karl & The Chapel Gym Committee

“Have your say – Q&A” –
NEW DATE: Sun 31st Oct, 11:15am (after the 10am service).

You will have seen on screen or in church that the choir are singing from the chancel accompanied by a digital organ we have on loan / hire.  Come and hear why we’ve made the change, the advantages it gives us and share your views.  Rob, Simon and Richard  will be on hand to answer your questions.  If you can’t make the meeting, or you’re too shy to ask a question yourself,  you can click here to send your comment / question by email.  

25th – 29th October
“Following the Message” group will not be meeting on Monday 25th October. Please join us on Monday 1st November, 11.15am, St Helen’s Church

Coffee in the Chancel will be CLOSED on Monday 25th October. Open on Tuesday 26th October 10-11.30am. Normal opening hours resume on Monday 1st November.

This time of year is traditionally a season when we remember those we love but are no longer with us.  At this service, we will light a candle for your loved one and their name will appear on screen as the candles are lit.  

We understand that because of the current Covid situation, not everyone will be comfortable attending the service in person, but everyone can have their loved ones remembered as part of it. We will email you a link to view the service either on our website or on our YouTube channel.

Please add the names of the friends and relatives that you’d like remembered at the service by clicking this link.  There is no limit to how many people you can ask to be remembered, and they do not need to have had any previous connection to Wheathampstead or St Helen’s Church.  You are welcome to forward this email to others so they can add names to be remembered too.

We have a new date!
We would love you to come to CinC at 2.30pm on Sunday 28 November 2021 for cake, a hot drink and a celebratory toast of fizz. To celebrate 10 years of our lovely coffee shop and to thank all the wonderful customers and helpers who have made all this possible

If you could let us know if you can come then please RSVP Sally ( as soon as you can which really helps with planning the catering.