St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

20-Mar Midweek Email


In this email:
  • Holy Week and Easter Services
  • Easter Garden
  • Electoral Roll
  • Join the PCC
  • Easter Eggs for Azalea – thank you!
  • St Helen’s Fellowship
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – 24th April 2024, 7.30pm




Help to build the Easter Garden:Saturday March 23rd2.30pm St. Helens churchyard

Everyone is welcome to come and help Linda build an Easter Garden outside the West door. All ages are welcome, bring a trowel if you have one and dress for the weather.




Notice is hereby given that the Church Electoral Roll of the above parish will be revised by the Parochial Church Council, beginning on Monday 25th  March 2024 and ending on Friday 29th March 2024.

After such Revision, a copy of the Roll will forthwith be exhibited on, or near to, the principal door of the Parish Church for inspection.

Under the Church Representation Rules any persons are entitled to have their names entered on the Roll, if they are baptised, of sixteen years or upwards, have signed an application form for enrolment and declare themselves either –

  • to be a member of the Church of England, or of a Church in communion therewith, resident in the parish; or
  • to be such a member and, not being resident in the parish, to have habitually attended public worship in the parish during a period of six months prior to enrolment; or
  • to be a member in good standing of a Church which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy trinity (not being a Church in communion with the Church of England) and also prepared to declare themselves to be a member of the Church of England having habitually attended public worship in the parish during a period of six months prior to enrolment.

Forms of application for enrolment can be obtained from the noticeboards at St Helen’s Church and St Peter’s Church or from the Judith, and should be returned, if possible, in time for the Revision. If you are already on the roll, you do not need to fill in a form.

Any error discovered in the Roll should be reported to Judith Lambert. Church Electoral Roll Officer.




Do you care about our church? 

Does Christian faith matter to you?

We need your help to take our vision forward!

Our PCC is the leadership group which makes the important decisions for our church and works to turn our vision into reality.  We need enthusiastic people from a diverse range of backgrounds with variety of skills, experience and knowledge. Meeting are on mid-week evenings, ten times a year for about two hours.  Could you join us?  Click here for a role description and application.  Speak to the Rector or Churchwardens, or an existing PPC member for more information. 





Thank you to everyone who has donated an Easter egg to be given to the women helped by Azalea in Luton, We have exceeded our target of 60 eggs thanks to your generosity! Collection will close on Friday 22nd March.

St Helen’s Fellowship
MEN AND WOMEN welcome at St Helen’s Fellowship! Programme below. Unless otherwise stated all meetings are held in The Mead Hall between 2.45 and 4.15 pm. The cost is £2 per week and 50p for transport if required. Anyone who would appreciate a lift to meetings, please ring Gill Gwinn who will be able to tell you if we can help with this. Thanks.

Louise Edwards 01582 621197
Jill Bareham 01582 460394
Gill Gwinn (transport organiser) 07966 469754


21st March             Chair exercises with Sarah Donnelly

28th March             Maundy Thursday Reflections 




This year’s parish golf day will be held at Mid Herts Golf Club on Friday 30th August 2024.  Golf in the afternoon and dinner in the evening.  All standards welcome. An 18 hole pairs or team competition for the Debenhams Ottaway Claret Jug and a 9 hole competition for the Friendship Trophy.  We will be delighted to see spouses and friends at dinner afterwards.  Mark your diaries and we’ll invite participants closer to the time.  Enquiries to Simon Best (07786 704353)





Events and Activities this week (at St. Helen’s Church unless otherwise indicated).
Please ask if you need further details




Monday 18th March
9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
11.15am – 12.15pm Following the Message Study Group
7.30pm – 9.15pm Bell Ringing Practice

Tuesday  19th March9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel

Wednesday 20th March
9.30am – 11.00am The Ark Parent and Toddler Group
7.00pm – 9.00pm St Helen’s Singers Rehearsal

Thursday  21st March
2.45pm – 4.15pm St Helen’s Fellowship at Mead Hall



Friday 22nd March

Saturday 23rd March
9.15am – 10.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
10.00am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel

Palm Sunday 24th March
10.00am – 11.00am Parish Communion
12.00pm – 1.00pm Baptism of Thea Sturley