St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

20-Feb Weekend Email with Livestream Link


Lent has started, and we’re here to support you.
In this email…
  • #SayOneForMe – Prayer during Lent
  • World Day of Prayer – 5th March 2021
  • Livestreamed Sunday Service
  • Stay in touch with us
Save the date!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – Tuesday 27th April at 7:30pm via by Zoom. The APCM offers you a report on Church activities in 2020 and the Financial Statements for that year.



Prayer Resources for Lent

Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering Jesus’ life, death and body resurrection at Easter. Throughout the season of Lent, we are called to deepen our prayer life. For some of us, this means beginning a habit of daily prayer, setting aside time each day to share our hopes, joys, fears and frustrations with God. Praying first thing in the morning, while the house is still quiet, or talking to God at the end of the day are simple ways to integrate prayer into everyday life.St Helen’s and St Peter’s Churches offer you the opportunity to partner with other Christians to reflect and prepare before the celebrations of Easter.

  • Join us at the new “SayOne4Me” Lent prayer group (Zoom details below)
  • Join us at Morning Prayer (Zoom details below)
  • Download prayer calendars and prayer leaflets to use at home 
  • Click here to contact a minister to talk in confidence one-to-one about prayer (or anything else).
  • Email a prayer request for yourself or someone else to 

Click here to join “SayOne4Me!”  at midday on Thursday.  
Meeting ID: 824 7208 3008   Passcode: 104006

During Lent we are offering a shorter, even more relaxed and informal opportunity to gather for prayer on Thursday at midday for just 15 minutes.  There will be a chance to chat and catch up afterwards.

We will be using the Pray for the Nation leaflet and themes from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and our own Prayer Calendar.  Most of you will have received a copy of these with our latest Newsletter.  Or you can download copies to print at home…
Prayer for the Nation leaflet.  St Helen’s Prayer Calendar
(to print them double sided – flip on the short edge) 




Click here to join us for Morning Prayer
at 9am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.  
Meeting ID: 532 967 851  Passcode: 003102

It’s like a shortened Sunday service but without the music and much, much less formal.  It includes responses, bible readings, a chance to chat and reflect on the bible readings and some prayers.

And you can find the liturgy we follow in this Word document which you can print at home.  Or by downloading the Church of England App (click here for instructions).



World Day of Prayer – 5th March 2021

All over the world, people will be worshipping on 5th March but in unusual ways. This year, Wheathampstead will not be holding a Churches Together service but would like to encourage everyone to mark this important date with personal private prayer. To learn about the prayer focus this year – Vanuatu – click here. Service booklets are available at the back of St Helen’s Church. If you prefer to view or download online, please click here for resources. Wheathampstead Churches Together has donated £200 to the WDP charity.




Click here – or on the image above to join our 10am live-stream service. Or click here to view it via our website.

Click here, or the picture above to join the Zoom gathering for Coffee After the Online Service on Sunday from 11am.  This will include the opportunity to discuss the themes in the sermon, (but only for those who wish to).If you need to enter them manually, the details for the Zoom meeting are: Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219 Passcode: 527776.



In the past year, we’ve all realised just how important it is to stay in touch. Over the course of the pandemic, St Helen’s and St Peter’s Churches sent regular newsletters and emails to everyone in our church family for whom we held postal and email addresses.

Help us be more efficient with our communication by ensuring that your contact details are correct and up to date. If we already have a postal or email address for you, you would have received a letter or email asking you to check the information we have about you is correct.

We want to keep in touch with you. Those who have already responded, thank you. If you haven’t replied yet, please do check your details and let us know if they’re right or need to be corrected. You can also update your details by following this link.


Staying in touch with St Helen’s & St Peter’s Churches



Staying Connected …

Though Coffee in the Chancel is currently closed, we look forward to catching up on your latest news at our Zoom gathering on every Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the link below to join us!

Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021


Help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.