St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

17-Nov Midweek Email



Included in this email:
  • Scout Post
  • Coffee in the Chancel – back on Saturdays!
  • An invitation from our charity partner – Azalea
  • Friends of St Helen’s Talk & AGM
  • Christmas Concert





(with toasted tea cakes)!


We would love you to come to CinC at 2.30pm on Sunday 28 November 2021 for cake, a hot drink and a celebratory toast of fizz. To celebrate 10 years of our lovely coffee shop and to thank all the wonderful customers and helpers who have made all this possible.

If you could let us know if you can come then please RSVP Sally ( as soon as you can which really helps with planning the catering.


Christmas is a challenging time for those caught up in sex trafficking. Our final Prayer Evening of 2021 brings us the opportunity to gather together to bring our prayers for provision, protection and freedom to our Heavenly Father in this season.

Please join us on Tuesday 23rd November at 7.30pm for an hour at 3A Upper George Street, Luton, LU1 2QX. We will be led by Luton Christian Fellowship and look forward to welcoming you. If you are unable to attend in person and would like to meet on Zoom, please get in touch with 
for the Zoom details.


We are having an extra special Open House on Friday 26th November and we would love to see you there!

Join us for a chat in Drop-in under the twinkly lights of the Christmas Tree, a mince pie (or even 2!) and a fabulous cup of coffee. You will also have a tour of all the wonderful different rooms and spaces in Azalea. There are two opportunities to come along, either in the morning at 10am or in the afternoon at 2pm. This helps us keep numbers to a COVID safe maximum.

Do let us know if you’re coming by sending an email to and we can put your name on the guest list. Looking forward to it already!


King Henry III’s elephant and his keeper by Matthew Paris
The AGM of The Friends of St Helen’s Church  will be held in
St Helen’s School
at 2.30pm on Saturday 27th November
followed by tea and cakes.  After this there will be a talk about Matthew Paris,  a gifted monk working in St Albans Abbey in the thirteenth century who  chronicled and Illustrated his life and times.  Amazingly his books have survived to this day.   It sounds very intriguing, do come. Our lecturer is Graham Everett a blue badge guide at St Albans Abbey.
Free to Members             Non Members £3 at the door