St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

17-Mar Midweek Email



Our midweek email keeping you in touch:

  • A reflection for Lent
  • Help us thank our teachers
  • Our Ark Toddler group on Zoom
  • Join us for informal prayer at midday on Thursday #SayOne4Me
  • National Day of Reflection – Tuesday 23rd March 2021
  • “Jesus Rocks!”




God’s World Through my Window

For Lent Linda has created a series of short reflections on nature for St Helen’s school. We thought you might like to see them too.
Click on the image or here for the link


URGENT APPEAL: Help us thank our teachers
For years we’ve been working to strengthen our partnership with St Helen’s School.   Throughout the past year our support has been rather different.  Now we’d like your help in showing our appreciation for all their amazing hard work for the children of our village.  As a token of our appreciation we’d like to provide each of the 42 staff at St Helen’s School with a quality Easter Egg, a small flowering pot plant and a handwritten thank you card.  
Please help us by buying a nice Easter Egg, and/or a small flowering pot plant AND write a card expressing your gratitude to the whole team at St Helen’s School for their dedication, commitment and hard work over the past year.  Then deliver your card and gifts to either Richard & Claire at The Rectory or Hilary Hollick at 23 Bury Green.  There is no limit to the number of teacher you can support, but we do need a card to go with every Easter egg and plant gift set.  And hurry we need them by Wednesday 24th March.

Thank you in advance.




The Ark on Zoom on Thursday!
It was lovely to chat and share stories, craft and songs with families last week. Do join us this week!

On Thursdays from 10.30-11.30, parents, grandparents and carers can enjoy a very informal session with their pre-school children, toddlers and babies.

For the link, more information or any questions, email Linda on


Click here to join “SayOne4Me!”  at midday on Thursday.  

Meeting ID: 824 7208 3008   Passcode: 104006

During Lent we are offering a shorter, even more relaxed and informal opportunity to gather for prayer on Thursday at midday for just 15 minutes.  There will be a chance to chat and catch up afterwards.

We will be using the Pray for the Nation leaflet and themes from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and our own Prayer Calendar.  Most of you will have received a copy of these with our latest Newsletter.  Or you can download copies to print at home…
Prayer for the Nation leaflet.  St Helen’s Prayer Calendar
(to print them double sided – flip on the short edge)





The National Day of Reflection, coordinated by the charity Marie Curie and officially supported by the Church of England, has designated a special day to reflect on collective loss and grief, one year since the first UK Covid lockdown.

On Tuesday 23rd March, please

  • observe a minute’s silence at 12 noon to show support for the millions of people who have been bereaved.
  • connect with someone who is grieving. This might be in simple ways such as having a chat with them, sending a card, a message, or giving them some spring flowers.
  • as a village, shine a Light of Hope in your window at 8.00pm

St Helen’s Church will be open between 10am – 3pm for private prayer

God of Love,
As we think about all that has changed this year,
help us to trust that you are always with us.
As we remember those who have died,

help us to trust they are at peace with you.
As we reach out to others with kindness and care,
may hope shine out in every heart and home.



Feeling crafty?

Sketch and paint a stone with your Easter-inspired image then hide it in the village for someone to find. Before you hide it, why not post a photo on Facebook (the church, school or Network page) Suitable for all ages – full instructions here.



Help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.