St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

17-Jul Weekend Email with Livestream Link



Included in this email:
  • Kimbilio – Matched funding appeal to finish the school
  • The Ark continues over the summer hols
  • Sad news about the death of congregation member Pam Stevens
  • Coffee in the Chancel – Holiday Opening Times
  • 2 Sunday services tomorrow – 10am Parish Communion Service and 3.30 Kids Worship



The Kimbilio school is nearly finished!

The Kimbilio Primary School building is almost finished! They hope to open in September but need your help to get the work finished on time.
They have already appointed an experienced headteacher and are now recruiting teachers. They need to raise the last bit of money to ensure they can open this September.
Today, Wednesday 14th July, Global Giving is offering match funding on all gifts over $100 via this link.
Please help if you can!


The Ark comes to St Peter’s!

Whilst we are unable to run the Ark Toddler group in St Helen’s, we are running it outside at St Peter’s. Lots of space and no masks outside. Everyone welcome, it’s a very friendly group, suitable for babies and toddlers.
Every Wednesday 9.30-10.30am. Free play followed by singing.
Numbers are limited. Please email Linda at to book your place, giving the name and age of your children.
We will be continuing to run the Ark over the holidays, older siblings welcome, but bring something to do. Any extra help welcomed!



We are sad to let you know that Pam Stevens, a long-standing and much-loved member of our church family died recently.  Her funeral will be at St Helen’s Church on Wednesday 4th August at 11:00am.





Coffee in Chancel is 10 years old in September. We have a special birthday tea planned for October 10th. You are all invited!

PS We are recruiting! Speak to Hilary 07712791625 or Sally 07792102646 If you think you could help with waitressing occasionally



Staying Connected …

Coffee in the Chancel continues to meet via Zoom every Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the link below to join us!

Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021




All are welcome to come to St Helen’s Church for Sunday worship. Capacity is limited and you are expected to observe appropriate Covid guidelines including the use of face masks, hand sanitiser and social distancing.  Please do not come if you are feeling unwell, or have any symptoms of Coronavirus.




10am Parish Communion

The service will livestream on our YouTube channel and website. Click here- or on the image above to join our 10am live-streamed Parish Communion service. Or click here to view it via our website.


3.30pm Kids Worship

Join us for the last Kids Worship this term. 45 minutes of interactive and fun worship for all the family. Weather permitting there will be refreshments afterwards on the Rectory lawn.