Aline (pictured) in Burundi was given the chance to help herself out of poverty by Christian Aid’s activities in her country.
Please join in Wheathampstead Churches Together’s collection for Christian Aid Week (12-18 May). Help some of the poorest people in the world find a path out of poverty. You can donate online here or pick up a traditional red envelope in church, add cash, a cheque or a charity voucher, and return it in the church collection or to the office.
Sadly Book Talk, which has been meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at Coffee in the Chancel has come to a natural end and so there will be no more meetings.Thank you to all who have supported this group over the last two years.
St Helen’s Fellowship
MEN AND WOMEN welcome at St Helen’s Fellowship! Programme below. Unless otherwise stated all meetings are held in The Mead Hall between 2.45 and 4.15 pm. The cost is £2 per week and 50p for transport if required. Anyone who would appreciate a lift to meetings, please ring Gill Gwinn who will be able to tell you if we can help with this. Thanks.