St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

15-Apr Weekend Email with Livestream Link



  • Sunday’s Services
  • Study Course in April – starts next week!
  • URC Songs of Praise
  • Join us for the Big Help Out – 8th May
Save the date: 
Wednesday 26th April – Annual Church Meeting at 7.30pm


Join us in St Helen’s Church for our Parish Communion Service at 10am.  If you can’t join us in church, please join us online.  Click here or on the image above for the YouTube link or click here to view from our website.

Join us at Kids Worship – 3.30pm in St Helen’s Church. Fun, informal worship with songs, stories and craft. Especially suitable for primary age children and smaller siblings, but all are welcome. Before the service we have refreshments and craft activities in the Chancel.

For details of the weekly programme, please click here.
To sign up, please email Roger 

Do you enjoy singing familiar hymns and worship songs?

Join the URC for their first

Sunday 16th April at 3pm

followed by refreshments in the Chapel Halls on Brewhouse Hill

Email Jane Deller or call her on 01582 834130/07889221551 for further information, or to ask for your favourite hymn to be included.


We are sad to share the news that Mr Paul Sugden has passed away. Details of his funeral service follow:

Mr Paul Sugden
Funeral at St Helen’s Church on Thursday 20th April, 2pm

Events and Activities this week (at St. Helen’s Church unless otherwise indicated).
Please ask if you need further details

Monday 17th April9.30am – 11.30pm Coffee in the Chancel
11.15am – 12.15pm Following the Message Study Group
7.30am – 9.15pm Bellringing Practice

Tuesday 18th April9.30am – 11.30pm Coffee in the Chancel

Wednesday  19th April
9.30am – 11.00pm The Ark Parent-and-Toddler Group

Thursday  20th April
2.00pm – 3.00pm Funeral for t/l Mr Paul Sugden
8.00pm – 10.00pm Exploring Spiritual Experience Study Course at St Peter’s Church

Friday 21st April

Saturday  22nd April9.15am – 10.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
10.00am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
1.30pm – 2.30pm Wedding of Miss Georgia Morgan and Mr Max Howe

Safeguarding Sunday 23rd  April
10.00am – 11.00am Parish Communion Service