During the school Summer holidays St Helen’s church will be running a Community Larder from the Lady Chapel, every day when the church is open. This has replaced the Summer Hampers project in order to be more widely available to those in need throughout the village and encourage people to come into St Helen’s church. We hope that those in need of food will come to take what they need and those who are able to, will donate to stock it. If you are in church and see unfamiliar faces, please make them feel welcome. We will be keeping the larder stocked throughout the holidays but we will need help from our lovely congregation. If you can pick up any extra food when shopping and then add to our larder – fresh or store cupboard items – that would be brilliant! Consider donating what you would like to see in your own fridge or larder that would contribute towards making a healthy meal. We will be ready to receive your donations from Saturday 23rd July.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to donate financially then please make a card reader payment (in church) or online donation (click here).
Please feel free to share the details with local WhatsApp groups or anyone else you think may like to donate. If anyone is able to volunteer to keep an eye on stock levels in the Larder during the last week of July and first week of August and top up where needed, then please let Helen Caldwell know on 07974 762997.