St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

13-Nov Midweek Email



In this email:
  • Safeguarding Survey
  • Justice Service at St Albans Abbey – Sunday 17th Nov.
  • Working Party at St Peter’s
  • Interfaith Event
  • Christmas cards – delivery people needed!
  • Choose to Lose Fundraiser
  • Welcoming Team Tea Party
  • St Helen’s Singers
  • Advent and Christmas Events

So, it is important for us to have your feedback and opinions on how YOU experience the culture in our church community.
The link below will take you to a short, anonymous online survey.  It only take a few minutes (less than 5 minutes – honestly!), so why not do it NOW, before you get distracted!
At St Helen’s and St Peter’s we take Safeguarding very seriously – but we are aware there is always room for improvement.  

Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey – please only fill it in once!  (Paper copies are available in church) 

<<<<< Please click here to complete the survey. >>>>>

Many thanks for your help with this.  The Safeguarding Team
Richard Banham, Helen Caldwell, Britt Dahle, Jez Hirst, Sabrina Shafer.

Sunday 17th November, 11:15am, St Albans Abbey.

On Sunday 17th November St Albans Abbey will host the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire’s Justice Service.  This tradition traces its origins back at least to the 12th century.  It has evolved to include representatives of all aspects of the justice system from barristers and judges to police and probation service.  As Chaplain to the High Sheriff, Rev’d Richard Banham will be preaching. All are welcome to attend, please come in good time to get a good view of the three different processions.

Working Party at St Peter’s
Saturday 16th November

10am – 12 noon: Indoor Cleaning
2 – 4pm: Outdoor Tidy

Please contact Kath and Keith Andrews 07794 354409 for information.

Please ask Richard if you need a lift to this event.

Help our young people help others 

A number of our Youth Group have agreed to sacrifice sleeping in their beds for two nights, in order to raise money for those Christians who sacrifice a whole lot more because of their faith. We would love the rest of the Church family to get behind them and donate towards this fundraiser for Open Doors, who do amazing work supporting members of the persecuted church. Please use this link to give.

We also have the opportunity to join others around the world in praying for those who are suffering because of their Christian faith. This year Red Wednesday takes place on Wed 20th November, from midday in St Helen’s Church.

Do you love singing?
Come and join St Helen’s Singers!

We will be singing a couple of solo pieces and helping to lead the Carols by Candlelight Service on Sunday December 22nd at 7.00pm.

Rehearsals are Tuesday December 10th    7.30pm
Sunday December 15th    11.15am

Thursday December 19th  7.30pm

If you can attend 2 out of 3 of these rehearsals, please email Linda to confirm your interest – all welcome, ages 10 to 100!


We need help to deliver the WCT Christmas services listings card to homes in Mackerye End  (16 cards) . If you live in the neighbourhood, please help!

Please contact Pauline at


The Diocese is currently advertising for two roles – Diocesan Director of Education and Church Growth Officer.  Further details on their website on the links below:

Events and Activities this week (at St. Helen’s Church unless otherwise indicated).
Please ask if you need further details

Monday 11th November
9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
11.15am – 12.00pm Following the Message Study Group
7.30pm – 9.30pm Bellringing Practice

Tuesday 12th November9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel

Wednesday 13th November
9.30am – 11.00am The Ark Parent-and-Toddler Group

Thursday 14th November
2.45pm – 4.15pm St Helen’s Fellowship at Mead Hall

Friday 15th November

Saturday 16th November
9.15am – 10.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
10.00am – 12.00pm Cleaning Party at St Peter’s Church
10.00am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel

Sunday 17th November
10.00am – 11.00am Parish Communion Service
3.30pm – 4.30pm Kids Worship