St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

13 June: Email from the Rector


There’s lots to celebrate this week…

  • Firstly, catch up on our plans for opening St Helen’s Church building next week
  • This week is Music Sunday, enjoy some fabulous music from our musicians in our  Online Sunday Service, and we welcome as our guest preacher – Bishop Alan, our Diocesan Bishop.
  • Plus the usual invitation to stay connected socially, opportunities ot support our ministry and mission and ways to get support should you need it during Lockdown.




Thank you to everyone who has responded to say they are happy to help open the church in the morning, lock up in the afternoon and clean occasionally.  I’m delighted to confirm that we have just enough volunteers to ensure the church is open every day.  So, from Monday 15th June, St Helen’s will be open for Private Prayer from 10am to 5pm.  Thank you to everyone who has helped with the preparations so far.  Naturally, we will still be subject to social distancing guidelines and you will need to take good care to ensure your safety.  During the coming week we will be working to make some creative prayer resources available.

We pray that having the church building open will be spiritually helpful as you lament all that has been lost over the past three months and look forward to the future with hope.

With love and prayers – Richard



You’ve stepped up, so we can open up.




Celebrating “Music Sunday”  Thank you to all our musicians, especially Rob, Simon and Rosanna. 




To view the Online Sunday Service on YouTube, please click here. 



Every year the Royal School of Church Music designates this Sunday as “Music Sunday” – an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the musical element of our worship and to honour everyone who contributes to this aspect of our ministry.

Our Choir Master, Rob Milner and our Organist, Simon Pusey always work with incredible dedication, but this has been especially true during this past few months whilst the church has been closed.  Of course, they are ably assisted by many other voices in the choir – notably Rosanna Milner, who along with Rob has worked week in, and week out to provide the beautiful music which has so wonderfully enhanced our worship over the past few months.  





During this time their work has been played on Radio Four, come to the attention of the Director of the RSCM and received congratulation on last week’s anthem from the Composer William Todd.

The music this week is sublime.  Thank you to to Rob and Simon for their leadership and to all the choir for their hard work. Click here to join our Online Sunday Service .




I am delighted that the Bishop of St Albans, Rt Rev Alan Smith has recorded this message for all the parishes in the Diocese.  For over ten years the Diocese has promoted a vision of Living God’s Love – and in recent years they’ve focused on living out the values of imagination & courage, generosity & joy.  In his message Bishop Alan picks up on this theme.   Click here to visit our website and join our worship.

Let’s get social…  

We look forward to catching up on your latest news either on Sunday at 11am or Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the links below as we gather together using the video conferencing platform Zoom.

Click on the Meeting ID and password to join either session.

Coffee After the Online Service Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Every Sunday at 11am Every Wednesday from 10:30am
Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219
Password: 527776
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021

In addition to these social events, you are invited to join us for Morning Prayer.  We meet at 9am from Monday to Thursday and on Saturday using Zoom. Download the details here including links to the liturgy we follow. 




We are grateful for every donation we receive which secures future ministry, mission and outreach from St Helen’s and St Peter’s to our community and further afield.
You can click here to donate by debit or credit card
You can click here to find more ways to support us on our website
Lastly, our bank details are: Wheathampstead PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40          Account No: 00099644



We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.