St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

12-Dec Weekend Email from the Rector


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Welcome to the email update from St Helen’s and St Peter’s Churches. Including…

  • Link to Livestream Service
  • Our Online Christingle is live!
  • Newsletters in the post
  • “Missing You” Tree
  • Book your tickets for our Traditional Carols and Communion on Christmas Day


Our online Christingle is live on Youtube

Every child at St Helen’s school and Beech Hyde school and Nursery will be watching this video in the next week and using their kit to make their Christingle. If you have a child or grandchild that is not involved yet, request a kit from Linda at before Mon Dec 14th.

You can view the video by clicking here or on the image. To donate to the Children’s Society, please go to our donation page here


Our livestreamed service this morning

Our 10am service will be livestreamed on Youtube this morning. Click here to go to our channel on Youtube It will be available to view later.

Alternatively, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and we have created a Playlist of Live-stream Sunday Services and we will put all the services here.  This link should always take you to these services.

Many thanks for your support and all the encouraging feedback we’ve received.  But more importantly, thank you for joining us in our worship – whether in church, live online, or at a time that suits you.

Throughout the pandemic, we have been sending regular newsletters to people on our database for whom we have a postal address. Our latest edition is available to download by clicking on this link or on the image on the left.

If you would like to receive newsletters and information from us, please contact the Church Administrator – or 01582 834031. We’ll need your mailing address and permission (GDPR rules!) to send you materials in the post.

To comply with social distancing rules, we have to limit the numbers attending our most popular services.  For these services tickets will be available via EventBrite.  To book your tickets for the following services, please click on the link or the images above. Tickets will be released at 12pm on Sun 13th Dec (tomorrow)

Don’t worry if you can’t get to these services, The Christmas Communion Service will be Live-streamed and the Family Carol Service and Lessons & Carols will be recorded, edited and released to YouTube later.

SUNDAY 20th Dec 6pm
Service of Lessons and Carols*
A candlelit service of readings, music and carols.To book your ticket, please click on this link.

FRIDAY 25th Dec 10am
Christmas Communion*
A celebratory Christmas Day service for the whole family. To book your ticket, please click on this link.

Our “Missing You” Tree is back!

With Tiers and bubbles and precautions being put in place, is there someone you will miss especially at Christmas? Perhaps a loved one who has died, or someone far away that you won’t be able to visit over the festive period?

You are welcome to write their name on a star and hang it on our “Missing You” tree in the Churchyard to remember them. You may also like to say a prayer for them.

Stars are provided in a box by the tree – you may want to bring your own pen. Please observe Covid safety regulations.