St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

12-Aug Midweek Email from the Rector



Included in this email:
  • The mid-week catch up interview with David Hartley
  • Funeral details for Les Everett
  • a special Choral Mass from our choir
  • An urgent request for help.
  • Harvest Photos
  • Kimbilio goodies to buy




David is a familiar face in and around St Helen’s Church and we wanted to find out how life has been for him since he suffered extensive injuries in a cycling accident last year.  Find out how a left-handed swing might make a big difference and whether or not the experience has put him off cycling!
(Apologies if there is a slight time lag in sound at the start).
 Click here to view the video.

Midweek Catch Up with …




Some of you will be aware of the sad new that Les Everett died on 4th August.  Les and his wife Tarn joined St Helen’s when they moved to the village last year.  The funeral at 10am on Saturday 15th August is by invitation only (due to ongoing restrictions).  However, members of the congregation are invited to gather in the churchyard for the Committal which will take place at the Lychgate at approximately 10:30am on Saturday. Please pray for Tarn and her family.

If you were not able to attend the funeral service for Hugh L’Estrange you can view it on YouTube here



Deprived of the opportunity of singing in Coventry cathedral this summer, Rob and our choir took up the opportunity of preparing a choral mass as a virtual visiting choir at Guildford cathedral. The music has now been used in a specially recorded Choral Mass for St Helen’s too.

The choral mass setting – Haydn’s Little Organ Mass – was sung last year at Portsmouth and at St Helen’s on Music Sunday. We have an accompaniment of organ and strings thanks to Simon and his orchestral friends. It is called ‘little’ because the Gloria is very short with each part singing it’s own section of the words. It’s called ‘organ’ because of the beautiful organ solo in the Benedictus. The Benedictus, normally the shortest part of the sung mass is the longest – and the part this piece is best known for.

The choir rang out through Guildford Cathedral’s sound system last Sunday and on their online recorded mass. It transpires that we were also ringing out through Coventry Cathedral’s sound system at the same time. When has a village church choir been heard in two cathedrals at the same time? I think that must be a first!

Still searching – help urgently requested



We are looking for someone to edit our Online Sunday Services.  Are you reasonably good with technology?  Have you valued our Online Service?  Could you, or someone you know serve the church in this way?

Perhaps someone studying a related subject at Uni???  Alternatively, you could learn a new skill as we can We can give step by step instructions.  We currently use Apple Mac software – we may even be able to lend you a laptop with the necessary software.  .  Please contact us if you know someone who could help – especially in September!



Don’t forget to take photos of your produce for a Harvest Gallery that will form part of our Harvest celebrations in the Autumn.  No need to send the pictures in quite yet… but get snapping and we’ll let you know what to do with them nearer the time.

Growing Together




Following Richard and Linda’s trip to the DR Congo last July, it was lovely to welcome Ian Harvey and other members of the team to our Harvest celebrations last year.
Many of us took the opportunity to purchase bags, aprons and bunting made in the UK from the beautiful fabrics brought back from Lubumbashi. These items would normally be sold at church fairs around the country to raise much needed funds to support the thousands of street children. This hasn’t happened due to Lockdown, so Kimbilio now has an Etsy shop online. You can buy the wonderful bags and aprons and they are also doing a very popular line in face masks! These sell out quickly so you may need to pop back a few days later when more stock has been added.
To order, go to



Kimbilio goes online!




We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.  




Let’s get social…  

We look forward to catching up on your latest news either on Sunday at 11am or Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the links below as we gather together using the video conferencing platform Zoom.

Click on the Meeting ID and password to join either session.

Coffee After the Online Service Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Every Sunday at 11am Every Wednesday from 10:30am
Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219
Password: 527776
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021

In addition to these social events, you are invited to join us for Morning Prayer.  We meet at 9am from Monday to Thursday and on Saturday using Zoom. Download the details here including links to the liturgy we follow.