You are invited to support Christian Aid Week’s annual appeal to help drought-stricken families grow their own food.
You can donate online here to give to our local collection or pick up a traditional red envelope from the back of the church if you prefer to give by cash or cheque. Please return envelopes in the weekly collection or to the Parish Office.
All are warmly invited to the Ascension Day Service, Thursday, 26th May, 8pm. at St Nicholas Church, HarpendenBishop Michael Hertford will be preaching.
We say thank you to Richard Banham for being Rural Dean.
Dennis Stamps is installed as the new Rural Dean, and Jo Burke is installed as the Assistant Rural Dean.
All welcome to this free concert in support of Ukrainians – donations will go to the DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee)
Organised by Claire Partington, with a collection of classical and contemporary music performed by her young musicians.
Charity Plant Sale
for Rennie Grove Hospice Care
St Peter’s Church
Sunday 29th May
10.30am – 12pm
Events and Activities this week (at St. Helen’s Church unless otherwise indicated).
Please ask if you need further details
Monday 9th May
9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
11.15am – 12.15am Following the Message
7.30pm – 9.15pm Bellringing PracticeTuesday 10th May
9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
Wednesday 11th May 9.30am – 11.00am The Ark
10.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel via Zoom
Thursday 12th May 2.45pm – 4.15pm St Helen’s Fellowship
7.30pm – 9.00pm “Climate Change – The Science” study group at St Peter’s
Friday 13th May 6.30pm – 9.00pm Choir Practice
Saturday 14th May
9.30am – 10.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
10.00am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
Sunday 15th May
10.00am – 11.00am All Age Communion Service
1.00pm – 2.00pm Young Musicians’ Concert for Ukraine
3.30pm – 4.30pm Kids Worship
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