St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

10 Jun Midweek Email from the Rectory


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Included in this email…

  • We have permission from the Government to open the church building from Monday.  Read how you can help us to ensure this possible. 
  • Our Midweek Catch Up – this week featuring an interview with charity founder Joanna Corscaden
  • Recycle your old laptop for the benefit of those home schooling.
  • Use the Tree of Life to take a stand for justice and equality.


Without any warning, the Government announced on Saturday evening that Church buildings will be able to open for Private Prayer from Monday 15th June.  We are delighted that the church, which has stood for 700+ years as a ‘house of prayer’ at the centre of our community, will once again be accessible to the village.

A small group of us have been making the necessary preparations, (think risk assessments, logistics, publicity and procuring bucket loads of hand sanitiser!)  However we can’t open the church without your support…

For years a dedicated group of volunteers have unlocked the church in the morning, with others locking up in the evening.  On behalf of the whole church family: a heartfelt thank you to all who have played these key roles so faithfully in recent years.  The majority of these faithful helpers are now over 70 and have understandably declined to resume their roles under current circumstances.  The same is true of most of the group who help clean the church on a rota each week.  Now is the time to raise up a new generation to take on these essential roles.

Are you under 70? Can you spare a few minutes one day a week?  We are looking for people to join a team to undertake the following…

  • Unlock the church and wipe down door handles etc anytime between 8am and 10am (one morning per week on a rota)
  • Lock the church anytime between 5 & 8pm (one evening per week on a rota)
  • Help dust and hoover the church (at your convenience once per fortnight)
If you like helping ‘behind the scenes’ this could be just the thing for you.  None of the tasks are onerous – especially if we get a strong team together.  The more people willing to help, the more days the church can be open to the public.

Please help, even if it is just during ‘Lockdown’, so we can get the church open for the village again.

Call me 01582 833144 or email me on I really look forward to hearing from you.  God bless you – Richard.



St Helen’s Church open again from Monday… Hopefully!!! 

Mid-week Catch Up with Joanna Corscaden

Joanna Corscaden took part in this week’s Mid-week Catch Up and was  open and honest about how much her life has changed in these past few months.  Hear about how she has adapted to life after the charity she founded has had to ‘pause’ in Lockdown, and how her faith has helped her in unexpected ways!


Click here to view it on YouTube.

Got an old laptop?  Or do you need one for home schooling?

Home schooling has it’s challenges for all parents (and teachers – see above!) but it’s particularly hard if you don’t have access to the internet via a PC – or have to share that computer with parents working from home and your siblings.  Do you have an old laptop or tablet you’re no longer using ( ideally with the power cable)?  This could be wiped of all your data,  refurbished and given to a local family to use.  Suitable laptops / tablets can be dropped off with Laurie and Margaret Barker at 24 Lattimore Road.

UPDATE:  Thank you to all of you who have dropped old computers off since we made our request last week – keep them coming!

Alternatively, do you know a local family with children who need an extra laptop to help with home schooling?  the James Marshall Foundation has provided 40 new and refurbished computers to local families in the past few months. Please pass on their details to anyone you know who would benefit:


The St Helen’s Book Group has decided to read one of the recommended books, “White Fragility” by Dr Robin Diangelo for their July read.  Contact Judith Morris if you would be interested in joining the group to discuss this book.




Thank you for the feedback on the Sunday Service this week – especially your support of #BlackLivesMatter.  It is so encouraging to know that so many of you share God’s passion for justice!
 If you missed the resource sheet you can download it here to find links to books, podcasts and films to learn more.  Or watch the service again here (the sermon begins at approx 10 minutes).

Staying connected.

Do join us for our ‘Distant Socialising’ on Sunday at 11am or Wednesday from 10:30am using the links below as we gather together using the video conferencing platform Zoom.

Click on the Meeting ID and password to join either session.

Coffee After the Online Service Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Every Sunday at 11am Every Wednesday from 10:30am
Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219
Password: 527776
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021

Thank you to to everyone who responded following our appeal for financial support.
You can click here to donate by debit or credit card
You can click here to find more ways to support us on our website
“Wheathampstead PCC”         Sort Code: 40-52-40          Account No: 00099644

We’re here for you and help is at hand!
We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567.  Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.