St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

10-Jan Midweek Email


In this email:
  • News from Friends of St Helen’s Church
  • Ink Cartridge Recycling
  • Artificial Intelligence study course
  • Diocesan Vacancies
  • Bishop’s Open Garden
  • 2024 Programme for St Helen’s Fellowship
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – 24th April 2024, 7.30pm









The Friends will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 13 January at 3.15 pm in the CHURCH. ALL are welcome.

We are delighted that The Garrard Memorial cleaning will begin on 17th January. Our conservators, Deborah Carthy and/or Marta Sledz will be at the AGM and will give a brief explanation of the cleaning methods they are going to use. The official AGM will take about 20 minutes followed by tea and cakes.

Then we have the Icknield Quartet (so well known to St Helens) playing a short programme of delightful and uplifting music to brighten a winter’s afternoon. There is no charge for the members of the Friends. £5 for non members who are very welcome. Do come along and see what the Friends are up to and enjoy an entertaining and happy afternoon.More information from Ruth Coles 01582 712330



Ink Cartridge Recycling

Do continue to bring in your ink cartridges to St Helen’s Church! Do your bit to save the planet  – just pop them into the box in the Chancel.

*Please note: we can only recycle ink cartridges, not laser or toner cartridges


Artificial Intelligence – study course

We are planning our sixth Study Course which will be on Artificial Intelligence and will take place during the Summer Term 2024. If you have a particular interest or expertise in this area and would like to join the planning group then please contact Roger Payne, email:




Diocesan Vacancies

There are currently three part time administrative vacancies within the Diocesan Office.  If you are interested in a job supporting your parish and which would fit around childcare or other caring responsibilities, please see details on the vacancies page of their website – Diocesan Roles Vacancies – The Diocese of St Albans (



The Bishop of St Albans will be opening his garden on four Sundays in February and March for people to come and look at the display of snowdrops.  Those who came to visit in the summer will know that the garden is delightful, it also has an appeal to visitors in the spring as the snowdrops herald the end of winter .

The two acres of garden is an oasis in central St Albans and only open to the public on selected Sundays in the spring and the summer.

Spring opening days are 18 February, 25 February, 3 March and 10 March.  Entrance is £5 per person (children free) and dogs on leads are welcome.

Footwear suitable for the time of year is advised.

All money raised is donated to the Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust

Abbey Gate House, Abbey Mill Lane, St Albans AL3 4HS.


St Helen’s Fellowship
MEN AND WOMEN welcome at St Helen’s Fellowship! Programme below. Unless otherwise stated all meetings are held in The Mead Hall between 2.45 and 4.15 pm. The cost is £2 per week and 50p for transport if required. Anyone who would appreciate a lift to meetings, please ring Gill Gwinn who will be able to tell you if we can help with this. Thanks.

Louise Edwards 01582 621197
Jill Bareham 01582 460394
Gill Gwinn (transport organiser) 07966 469754

11th January          Bring and Buy Fund Raiser

18th January          Adventures in the Far East -Thailand and Malasia
Rev’d Richard Banham

25th January          Social with Fun Quiz

1st February           Holy Communion

8th February           The Cruel Sea Part 1
The Film (Abridged Scene Setting)

15th February         The Cruel Sea Part 2 with talk and model ship

22nd February         Social afternoon

29th February          Head Gear – An invitation to show and tell your story

7th March               Holy Communion

14th March              Save a space for puds (sub £3 this week)

21st March             Chair exercises with Sarah Donnelly

28th March             Maundy Thursday Reflections 





Events and Activities this week (at St. Helen’s Church unless otherwise indicated).
Please ask if you need further details




Monday 8th January
9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
7.30pm – 9.15pm Bell Ringing Practice

Tuesday  9th January9.30am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel

Wednesday 10th January
9.30am – 11.00am The Ark Parent and Toddler Group
1.30pm – 2.30pm Burial for the late Mr Arthur Amos

Thursday  11th January
2.45pm – 4.15pm St Helen’s Fellowship at Mead Hall



Friday 12th January

Saturday 13th January
9.15am – 10.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
10.00am – 11.30am Coffee in the Chancel
3.15pm – 5.30pm Concert and Friends of St Helen’s Church AGM

Sunday 14th January
10.00am – 11.00am Parish Communion Service
10.00am – 11.00am St Peter’s Praise