Parish Communion Service – back in church (and livestreamed)
Stay Connected to the Church Family
Save the date: APCM
Parish Communion Service is back in St Helen’s Church
from Sunday 11th April at 10am
St Helen’s church will be open today for Sunday morning worship again – Alleluia! Capacity will be limited, everyone will need to wear face masks, use hand sanitiser and please do not come if you have any symptoms of being unwell. You are encouraged to take your seats quickly and to chat with friends outside in the churchyard after the service, so that we can remove the chances of too many people being bunched up in the aisles. Let’s rejoice that there is some semblance of normality returning!
We will continue to livestream our services on our YouTube channel and website for those who are unable to come to church. Click on this link: SK1 11Apr21 Second Sunday of Easter – YouTube
Stay Connected to the Church Family
Click here– or on the image above to join our 10am live-streamed Parish Communion service.
Or click here to view it via our website.
Click here, or the picture above to join the Zoom gathering for Coffee After the Online Service on Sunday from 11am. This will include the opportunity to discuss the themes in the sermon, (but only for those who wish to).If you need to enter them manually, the details for the Zoom meeting are: Meeting ID: 844 7123 3219 Passcode: 527776.
Though Coffee in the Chancel is currently closed, we look forward to catching up on your latest news at our Zoom gathering on every Wednesday from 10:30am. Please use the link below to join us!
In addition to these social events, why not join us for Morning Prayer?
We meet at 9am from Monday to Thursday and on Saturday using Zoom. Download the details here including links to the liturgy we follow.
An Important Date!
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Our APCM will be held on Tuesday 27th April at 7:30 pm via Zoom.
A link will be sent to you closer to the date.
The APCM offers you a report on Church activities in 2020 and the Financial Statements for that year.
There are vacancies for election to the PCC. We are a group of people who seek to promote the work and mission of St. Helen’s and St. Peter’s for the benefit of the wider community as well as for our own congregation. If anyone would be interested in finding out more about the role (the duties of which need not be onerous), do please contact any current PCC member or our Secretary
Stephen Wilson
Phone: 01727 863490
Help is at hand! We have set up teams offering both pastoral and practical support, so please let others support you – they are keen to do so! Hilary Hollick is helping organise this – so do contact her by email here, or on 01582 832567. Alternatively call the village wide helpline “Support for All” on 01582 380910.