St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

08-Sep Midweek Email



Included in this email:
  • Options for worship this Sunday morning
  • Pray for children, students and teachers
  • Friends of St Helen’s Anniversary Celebration
  • Rosanna’s Farewell Recital
  • Coffee in the Chancel – back to normal opening times

10am at St Peter’s Praise – This Sunday.

All are welcome to this informal and relaxed service (indoors this month).  There will be plenty of opportunities to sing, although we will still wear masks. We’ll be considering the very topical issue of the power of speech to do good and to do great harm! Do come and join us.

10am St Helen’s – Baptism and Communion.

We look forward to welcoming the friends and family of Henry Thomas for his baptism which will be within the 10am Parish Communion Service at St Helen’s.  A special welcome to those who are travelling from France and Germany to join us.

Please pray for children, parents, students, teachers and all school staff at the start of term.  Especially for those who are starting at a new school, college or getting ready to go to university.

Staying Connected …

Coffee in the Chancel continues to meet via Zoom every Wednesday from 10:30am.  Please use the link below to join us!

Coffee NOT in the Chancel
Meeting ID: 828 3397 7877
Password: 304021