St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Coronavirus Response

Guidelines for precautions against COVID-19 Virus

The parish will follow National Government advice for all services and activities except children’s activities where we will follow the advice given to schools.


at 24 March 2020:

(cartoon thanks to Dave Walker)

Following Church of England advice, St Helen’s Church will be closed.

Sadly our buildings are closed but church is the people not the building!
Watch this space for future plans of online services, prayer resources and virtual home groups. Our monthly prayer calendar is available to view here 


at 16 March 2020:




at 13 March 2020:


  • Congregations are urged to wash their hands in the recommended manner before attending church and to maintain good hygiene as advised. As soon as possible, alcohol sanitiser will available at the main entrances.
  • Sidespeople will use sanitiser, or ensure hands are well washed, before handing out books.
  • Welcomers and sidespeople will avoid physical contact.
  • For communion services clergy will offer only bread to communicants. They will take wine themselves. They will ensure their hands are clean by careful washing or using alcohol sanitiser, if possible, before preparing and distributing bread.
  • There will be no laying on of hands at communion or at other times.
  • During the Peace the congregation will greet each other without making physical contact.
  • Collection bags will not be passed during service and congregations will be invited to contribute to a retiring collection at the back of the church.
  • Those counting the collection should ensure their hands are washed or sanitised
    immediately the task is completed.
  • Those not well are asked not to attend services or other church activities but to phone someone in the congregation to seek support if needed.
  • Those making home visits will ensure that their hands are infection free before arrival and afterwards.

We plan for our regular Sunday services to continue, subject to Government advice and guidance. We understand the importance of regular worship as a congregation and are currently exploring alternative means of sharing if/when we are required to refrain from gathering. One possibility is to provide a link for members to view our service online; see below for our latest All Age Service at St Helen’s Church on Sunday 15th March 2020

Please check the Church of England page for advice – see here.


Other Church Activities

  • Surfaces likely to be touched will be wiped down with disinfectant regularly. e.g door handles, railings, desktops and light switches. A box of materials for this purpose is in the vestry.
  • Special care must be taken by all those using the kitchen or providing food and drinks. Hands must be regularly sanitized or washed according to the guidelines.
  • A reminder notice is placed in both the kitchen and the toilet.
  • Those working at Coffee in the Chancel are being given refresher instructions and will ensure, in particular, that cakes etc. remain covered and are handled by bare hands. Table clothes will be wiped down when there is a change of customer.
  • It is planned that Coffee in the Chancel, other church activities and the provision of the Fareshare food are continued until any guidance to the contrary is received from the authorities.

Caring for our Community
All of us can play our part in “loving our neighbour as ourselves” and caring for others (and ourselves) is a key way to show and share God’s love.

  • If you have suggestions of other actions we should be taking please pass them to the clergy or Churchwardens
  • If you are concerned about the welfare of members of our congregation who have been taken ill, are in isolation, or are fearful please contact them to check on their
    wellbeing. If you do not have their contact details please speak to Mel Tay in our office (01582 834031).
  • Similarly, if you are concerned about members of the wider community please find a way to safely make contact with them.

The church is seeking to coordinate a community wide response to the COVID-19 Virus – so expect further information as this develops on ways you can be involved to ensure no one in Wheathampstead slips through the net of our care