Junior Church
Pray and Play Area at St Helen’s
Our Play and Pray area contains toys, books, colouring sheets and Bible-story themed bags in a space in front of the pews so you can base yourselves here and still be involved in the service whilst toddlers and young children play freely.
Junior Church at our 9.30 Service
Every Sunday (except 3rd) children are invited to move across to the Lady Chapel to listen to an interactive story during the Sermon. Parents are welcome to come with younger children and take them back to the Play and Pray area at any time if they lose interest.
At the end of the story children return to the Play and Pray area where they are free to retell the story, complete puzzles and colouring sheets related to the story, play with other toys or rejoin their parents for the rest of the service.
All Age Services
Every 3rd Sunday of the month we have an All Age Communion service offering families a chance to worship altogether at St Helen’s. Our junior choir join the adults, the theme and talk are accessible to children and the service is a little shorter than usual.
Kids Worship
This is an all-age informal service aimed at family groups and younger members of our congregation – held in St Helen’s School Hall every first Sunday of the month. 3:30pm. Come and join the fun with interactive stories, games and challenges and lively music.
Our youth group, with sessions most Sunday evenings. On the first 3 Sundays in term time, Impact meets at St Helen’s Church, 6-8pm for games, food and bible study. On the 4th Sunday, Impact joins forces with other youth groups in the area for a large youth worship gathering, FUEL.
The Ark
Soft play, craft and music for toddlers, every Wednesday morning, 9:30am in St Helen’s Church.
Messy Church
Look out for our special Messy Church events which takes a hands-on approach to exploring the Bible and God’s amazing love.
St Helen’s Church works closely with STEP (St Albans and Harpenden Christian Education Project), a charity which aims to share the Christian faith in a lively, relevant and consistent way with youth in in secondary schools. For more information about their work, please visit their website: www.stepschoolswork.org.uk