St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Wheathampstead Churches Together is pleased to offer a choice of 2 Lent courses this year – the Prayer Course and the Christian Aid Course.

The Prayer Course II deals with unanswered prayer. Pete Greig looks at the questions we ask when confronted with suffering. Each session includes a video, small group discussion and practical ideas for prayer. The resource can be downloaded free from here.

The Christian Aid Course explores Lenten themes (repentance, sacrifice, redemption, reparation and restoration) with bible readings, stories and prayers to stir up ideas of how we can act together for climate justice. Click here for more information.

Both courses will begin after Ash Wednesday (22nd February) and will end before Easter (9th April). Complete this form and return to St Helen’s Church Office.

The Prayer Course
starting 23rd Feb
2pmParish Room,  St Thomas More
The Christian Aid Course
starting 27th Feb
8pmOrchard Cottage, Mackerye End
Harpenden, AL5 5DS
starting 28th Feb
2pmChancel, St Helen’s Church
starting 1st March
3.30pmWorship Room, United Reformed Church