St Helens Church, High Street, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AA. Worship Times: 10am every Sunday

Leave a Legacy


A legacy left to St Helen’s & St Peter’s Churches continues the story of a person’s life and celebrates the memories that we hold of them.

We are all beneficiaries of previous legacies and future legacies will continue to enable almost all of our capital expenditure projects or provide the funds to develop the ministry we offer. Your gift will be celebrated and have impact on the life and work of your church.

We encourage you to leave your legacy “for the general purposes” of the parish.  The policy of the PCC is to use legacies to help fund significant development projects in the parish, whether buildings, equipment or staff. Examples of what your gift could help with include:

  • Contributing to improving the facilities at St Helen’s church such as new toilets and kitchen so that we can improve what we can offer the community.
  • Pay for a new member of staff to work in a specific area.
  • Developing our musical resources.
  • Building on the pastoral care we provide to the elderly, sick & vulnerable.
  • Increase the work we do with children, families and young people.
  • Provide support for our Mission Partners.
  • Or another area of church life which you are passionate about.

When the time comes the PCC will discuss with executors the most appropriate use of the gift in the light of current projects and the donor’s known areas of interest in the church (e.g. children, youth, music, buildings).

There are two charities linked to the parish:

  1. Wheathampstead PCC, which covers all areas of ministry provided through both St Helen’s and St Peter’s Churches.
  2. The Friends of St Helen’s Church is specifically dedicated to preservation, repair and restoration of the historic Church building.

If you would like to make a lasting difference for this and future generations, please consider which of these two charities you would like to direct your legacy towards.

To support the ministry work and other responsibilities of our parish, including the development and improvement of both our church buildings, please stipulate that you would like to leave your gift for the general purposes of  ‘The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Helen’s, Wheathampstead and St Peter’s, Gustard Wood’  (charity number 1132924).

To support the preservation, repair and restoration of St Helen’s Church for the benefit of the public by provision of funds and equipment in co-operation with the Wheathampstead Parochial Church Council, stipulate that you would like to leave your gift to ‘The Friends of St Helen’s Church (Wheathampstead)‘ (charity number 1048053).





Three possible next steps:

  • For a short summary about leaving a legacy to St Helen’s and St Peter’s Churches, download our Legacy Leaflet 2021.
  • Speak to a solicitor or appropriate professional to write a new will or update an existing will.
  • Speak to someone at church (in confidence) about leaving a legacy. Contact our Treasurer, Madeleine Bigmore by email
    or our Rector, Richard Banham on 01582 833144.

When drawing up your will, please remember that your church is a charity and that your gift can be very tax efficient. It can be deducted for Inheritance Tax and there is further relief for gifts of over 10% of an estate.

If you are writing, replacing or changing a will consult a solicitor or appropriate professional. Some general guidance is available at


Parish Legacy Policy:

‘We welcome all legacies however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference in our parish. ‘The policy of the PCC is to use legacies to help fund significant development projects in the parish, whether buildings, equipment or staff. As circumstances change over the years, church members are encouraged to leave gifts in their wills for the general purposes of the parish. When the time comes the PCC will discuss with executors the most appropriate use of the gift in the light of current projects and the donor’s known areas of interest in the church (e.g. children, youth, music, buildings).

If you would like to donate immediately through your debit or credit card, please click on this link: Support St Helen’s & St Peter’s or if you would like to donate regularly through a direct debit please click here Give Regularly | St. Helens + St. Peters (

St Helen’s & St Peter’s church is a charity that depends on gifts from people like you. 

Thank you for supporting your church in this vital way